Birdlife, an international NGO for the protection of nature and birds in particular, but also for the protection of the environment which is the condition for the survival and normal life of birdlife.

As an interlocutor of local authorities, governments and international organisations, how can we act in cooperation to preserve birdlife?

On the programme:

  • The challenges of bird conservation / IUCN’s position on the issue
  • State of play: consequences of the erosion of biodiversity on birds and climate change / figure on the state of play of birds
  • Conservation issues
    Solutions :
  • Strengthen knowledge and expertise (inventories, migratory mapping, etc.)
  • Act on ecosystems to preserve habitats
  • Reintroduction programme for wild species
  • Strengthen cooperation between NGOs and local stakeholders and the States

Conclusion and perspectives

With the League for the Protection of Birds (LPO).

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