It is with immense pride that I have been re-elected as President of the French Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). I am deeply grateful to the members for their renewed trust.

During my previous term, we achieved significant advancements. Among these, the establishment of the Green List of Protected Areas marks a major milestone. This list, recognized at the international level, aims to identify and promote protected areas that are managed equitably and effectively, with positive impacts on nature and society. It is a valuable tool for guiding conservation efforts and encouraging best practices.

The fight against wildlife trafficking has also been at the heart of our concerns. This scourge, which threatens not only biodiversity but also security and sustainable development, requires a global and concerted response. Therefore, we have worked to strengthen international cooperation and raise public awareness of this issue.

Promoting the French language within the IUCN has been another priority. The French language, spoken by over 300 million people worldwide, is an essential vector for communication and knowledge sharing. We have thus worked to encourage its use and visibility within the IUCN, thereby enriching debates and diversifying perspectives.

This new opportunity to serve the cause of biodiversity preservation and promote the French language within the IUCN is a challenge that I welcome with enthusiasm. I thank the members and the entire team of the French Committee, without whom these achievements would not have been possible.


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