On the occasion of the Climate and Ramsar COPs taking place in Egypt and Switzerland, there is an urgent need to give a new impetus to the protection of wetlands as real nature-based solutions to climate change and biodiversity erosion.
The Rhine, the Loire, the Po, but also the Yangtze and Parana… so many previously powerful rivers that this summer were nothing more than ghosts, slipping through a bed of sun-cracked sediments. At the same time, reports are accumulating of the accelerating collapse of biodiversity, the living fabric of the planet.
It is against this background of unprecedented tensions that a series of international events dedicated to nature and climate are taking place in the space of just a few weeks: the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) of the intergovernmental treaties on wetlands, climate, trade in species and biodiversity.
It is urgent to accept the obvious, to reconsider our relationship with water and with living beings, to change our behaviour which profoundly affect the great water cycle. Faced with growing needs and increasingly unpredictable and unmanageable water availability, we must reinvent its use and sharing, leaving its fair share to nature.
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