The two institutions will invite national parts, aquariums, botanical gardens, zoos, science museums and natural history museums from around the world to join forces to raise public awareness of the natural crisis in the run-up to the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to be held in Kunming, China, next October.

Across the European continent, 17% of bird species are threatened and more than 77% of natural habitats are in an ‘unfavorable’ conservation status. In 2011, the European Union adopted a new biodiversity strategy to halt the decline of natural systems. This European approach was in line with the commitments made globally at the Conservation on Biological Diversity in October 2010.

I remember the questions be had as NGOs, the debates that took place in Nagoya (Japan) which led to the adoption of the Global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, the famous “20 Aichi goals,” in line with the United Nations “Sustainable Development Goals.”
Almost 10 years after Nagoya, at last this global coalition: it was time.
In order to keep these commitments alive, we had to go further!
Let us hope that our actions in preparation for the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming, China, next October, will also be exemplary at the European level!
Hunting, migrations, protected species, …the building sites are numerous… Let’s be exemplary Marseille!
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